
Finding The Pet Day Care Of My Dreams

Avoid Conflict At A Boarding Facility By Preparing Your Dog Ahead Of Time

Dropping your dog of a boarding facility can come with some concerns, especially if your dog has never stayed at one of these facilities before. With the date of your trip arriving, it's important that you look into how you can make their visit more comfortable and avoid potential discomfort for your dog. Rather than devoting most of your time before traveling planning your own trip exclusively, look into the following tips so that you can make boarding your dog more comfortable for them.

Get Your Dog Comfortable with Other Dogs

One of the best things that you can do before leaving your dog at a boarding facility is getting them comfortable with other dogs. Most boarding facilities offer supervised playtimes with other dogs, helping your dog get the exercise that they need to be comfortable. If you're worried that your dog will be scared due to having limited exposure to playing dogs due to being the only dog at home, you can start bringing them to local dog parks and getting them comfortable with group play.

Take Care of Grooming for Your Dog's Comfort

Getting grooming done before dropping your dog off at a boarding facility can make a big difference in how comfortable your dog is during the stay. While the boarding facility likely has air conditioning and even grooming services available, getting your dog bathed, trimmed, and even their nails attended to, can all help your dog feel more at ease while staying at a boarding facility.

If you're unsure of whether you should take care of grooming yourself or getting it done by professionals, consider how much time it will take and if you have enough time before leaving on your vacation. In many cases, you won't have enough time to take care of extensive grooming or simply don't have all the necessary tools needed for a job done well, making professional grooming your best option.

Visit the Vet for Any Necessary Care

Visiting the vet can be a necessity, depending on the age of your dog and where you'll be dropping your dog off for boarding. Many boarding facilities require the dogs to get a certain number of vaccinations before staying to prevent Bordetella and rabies. To get clear on what vaccines are needing before boarding your dog, make sure to check with the facility that you're boarding with.

For more information, contact a boarding facility in your area.

About Me

Finding The Pet Day Care Of My Dreams

Once my work schedule changed, I knew that I would be required to work out of the country from time to time. I was pretty worried about leaving my pet alone for days on end, so I decided to investigate professional dog day care centers. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to find a place that would work, but surprisingly, I found a facility without any trouble at all. In addition to having trained veterinarians on staff, the facility also strived to provide for every comfort a dog could ask for. There was a pet pool, a pet play area, and even individual pet sleeping areas. This blog is all about finding the pet day care of your dreams, so that you don't have to stress when you travel.

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